

Grim Justice rocken seit 2010 in Hard & Heavy Manier. Inspiriert von den guten, alten 80er Heavy Metal und 70er Hard Rock Legenden besingen die in Wien ansäßigen MusikerInnen die unbarmherzige Gerechtigkeit, die jedem mindestens ein Mal im Leben begegnet. Grim Justice verleihen den klassisch düsteren New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal Vibes eine ganz eigene Note. Sie stechen durch den starken Gesang von Frontfrau Michela hervor, der an Doro und Marta Gabriel von Crystal Viper erinnert. Lasst euch von ihren kräftigen und tiefgehenden Songs mitreißen.


Grim Justice rock hard and heavy since 2010. Inspired by the good old 80's Heavy Metal and 70's Hard Rock legends Grim Justice's songs tell about the unmerciful justice that everyone gets to know at least once in a lifetime. The talented musicians based in Vienna, Austria add a clear individual note to classic and dark New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal elements. They stand out through the strong vocals by front woman Michela who delivers heavy and soulful vibes reminiscing of Doro and Crystal Viper's Marta Gabriel. Get stunned by their strongly infectious tracks and guitar riffs.

Lead Vocals and Guitar: Michela Vignoli (Picture © First Priest Photography)

Lead Guitar: Thomas Strohmayer (Picture © First Priest Photography)

Bass: Robert Hafner (Picture © First Priest Photography)

Drums: Vincent Weber (Picture © First Priest Photography)